The Client "Hippie-Dippie Bread Co." needed a cylinder design for their new CBD bread mix. They wanted to keep the design in their beautiful flower-power style. Keeping a minimal color palette and groovy aesthetic.

This stage is really where I got my ideas down. I did more thumbnails then I thought I would. I really liked the Groovy Grain idea and the Killer Keto cupcakes. They are what I moved to the next stage as well.

I made several versions on the computer and marked what I wanted from each one and what needed to be fixed with the designs as well.

I switched colors around a little more for the final design. I wanted this stage to be the final but after another critique I got to the true final which is what I will be turning in. I later changed the "Groovy Grains" to a gradient to get more color in the front. I also changed the "huffington hughes" and the weight to be white so that it stands out more. I also made the back spaced out more and a lot of the text changed back to white so that it was more noticeable.